Online Interview
Interview (Online mode) will be held in Division of Microbiology, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi 110012 to recruit Junior Research Fellow (1), UnSkilled Labour (2) under the DST funded project entitled “Development of ultra low volume microbial liquid for precise deposition” Code 24-838 and recruitment of Senior Research fellow (1), Young Professional-II (1), under the NASF funded project entitled “Deciphering Agricultural Soil Microbes for Sustainable Management of Lignocellulosic Wastes and Bioremediation of Chlorpyrifos (DT50) contaminated sites” Code 20-77. The appointment is purely on temporary basis initially for a period of one year only. Interested candidate who meet the below mentioned qualifications are directed to send a copy of their bio data/CV in the prescribed application format (attached) to livleen.shukla65@gmail.com latest by 10/04/2024.
The candidates shall be shortlisted based on eligibility criteria, educational performance and/or relevant research experience, if applicable. Only, shortlisted candidates shall be informed about the screening results via email positively by 12/04/2024 and shall be invited to attend online only.

Terms & Conditions:
- The above position is purely temporary and will be filled on contractual basis. The post is co- terminus with the project, and will be offered initially for a period of 1 year or till termination of the project whichever is earlier and further extendable based on satisfactory performance for the remaining period of the project.
- The candidate age should be minimum 18 years and maximum 35 years, age relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST/Women & 3 years for OBC, is applicable as per Govt. of India/ICARRules.
- Selected candidates will not be entitled to claim for regular appointments/absorption either in this institute or in ICAR. Non‐maintenance of the discipline and failure to perform the assigned duties will make the candidate liable for termination during the appointment period as per ICARrules.
- Candidates should send their complete bio-data along with duly self-attested copies of certificates and mark sheets, experience certificate (if any) and no objection certificate (NOC) from the employer in case of currently employed elsewhere through e‐mail to livleen.shukla65@gmail.com. The candidates are advised to bring their originals at the time of interview. Only the candidates having essential qualifications would be entertained for the interview. Candidates who are not able to append their essential degree completion certificate will not be eligible to attend the interview.
- Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidature.
- No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
- The interview of eligible candidates will be held online on 16th April, 2024 at 10.00 AM, the link for the interview will be shared to the eligible candidates by 14th April, 2024.
The decision of Joint Director (Research), IARI will be final and binding in all respects.
Ref: Employment News, Dated
Download Application Format Here
Editor’s Note: ICAR-IARI Research Recruitment – Applications Invited. Please ensure you are subscribed to our YouTube Channel to be notified of the latest Industry News. Follow us on Social Media like Twitter, Telegram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.