PhD Opportunity in The University of Exeter Centre for Ecology and Conservation #Funded

Funded #PhD Opportunity! ✨ The University of Exeter Centre for Ecology and Conservation is inviting applications for the Osborne Harvey PhD Studentship in Marine Turtle Conservation: Unravelling the causes and consequences of life history variation in green turtles 🐢

Generously funded by alumnus of the University of Exeter Mr Neil Harvey and Ms Sally Osborne.

The overarching aim of this study is to further our understanding of green turtle (Chelonia mydas) life-history, including reproductive longevity, reproductive periodicity, and age at sexual maturity, using long-term monitoring data and genetic sampling.

To do this, the student will use our long-term data on individual green turtles nesting at Alagadi Beach, Cyprus, where our team has been involved in the comprehensive monitoring and tagging of individual females since 1992. These long-term observational data will be complemented by genetic data obtained using tissue samples of offspring and adults collected over the past two decades, enabling the creation of a genetic pedigree for our study population.

This project provides a rare opportunity to test life history theory in a wild marine vertebrate population of conservation concern using a unique, highly-detailed, long-term dataset combined with genomic tools!

This project is a collaboration with our long-term partner organisation, the Society for the Protection of Turtles. The student will spend 3-4 months each year in Cyprus, monitoring nesting turtles and processing tissue samples. The remainder of time will be spent at our Penryn Campus in Cornwall where additional lab work and analysis will be conducted.

➡ Find out more and apply here:

Editor’s Note: PhD Opportunity in The University of Exeter Centre for Ecology and Conservation #Funded. Please ensure you are subscribed to our YouTube Channel to be notified of the latest Industry News. Follow us on Social Media like TwitterTelegramFacebookLinkedIn and Instagram.

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