The Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Thiruvananthapuram is one of the premier science education and research institutes established by the Government of India in 2008 to impart high-quality education integrated with outstanding research in modern science. The Institute invites applications for the following positions on contract basis
Name of Post: Junior Research Fellow
Title of the project: Investigating cross-talks between insulin signalling and hypoxic signalling pathway in managing nutrient homeostasis during growth and development in Drosophila
Funding agency: SERB-DST
Minimum Educational qualification( as prescribed by the funding agency): Master’s degree in biological sciences from a recognised university with 60% marks. Candidates who have qualified National Eligibility tests-CSIR-UGC-NET including lectureship or GATE will be preferred. Candidates without National Eligibility Test qualification may be appointed as Project Associate I if found suitable
Desirable qualifications: Experience in circadian rhythm research and Publication/s in reputed journals will be preferred
Number of posts: One
Fellowship amount: 31,000 + HRA with tests mentioned above; 25,000 + HRA without any eligibility tests
Tenure of the post: Initial contract is for 1 year and is extendable based on the performance of the candidate till the termination of the project ie. maximum up to 3 years.
Age:Preferably below 35 years
Last date: 25/06/2024
How to apply? Email to: jishy[at]iisertvm[dot]ac[dot]in with Sub: JRF application SERB Grant; with a CV, copy of various qualification certificates